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Group Interview #4_ Sue and Rae DS.pdf
Topics discussed include departing from twelve-step treatment model; individual treatment approach; offering services; treating people with dignity and respect; injection drug use in the Twin Cities in 1990s; the problem changing after white people…

Topics discussed include Women With a Point; needle exchange in pharmacies; syringe exchange; drug use; Methadone clinics; HIV education programs; harm reduction philosophies; harm reduction conferences; closing of Women With a Point and Access…

Topics discussed include HIV positive diagnosis; drug use; involvement with Minnesota AIDS Project needle exchange program; service on Minnesota HIV Services Planning Council; meeting Sue Purchase; Morpheus Project; creation of Lee’s Rig Hub; love…

Interview discussion topics include the Aliveness Project, a drop-in center open in south Minneapolis in the 80s; helped file a 501(c)(3) for Women With a Point with Sue Purchase; Women With a Point’s focus on needle distribution; getting funding for…

One pink and one white set of matches with Women With a Point contact information, safe use information, and syringe exchange information printed on the back. Graphic of a needle on the front. Titled "Clean Needles Save Lives" and "Never Share…

A black and white t-shirt from Positive Health Project that says, "Clean Needles Save Lives." The back has two needles in black ink with "Outreach Team" written in black lettering.

A framed cartoon with two babies that have contracted AIDS from their parents. One of the children says, "Tell me again why they didn't want the government to fund a clean needle exchange program?" and the other child responds, "It would send the…

A magazine article written about Access Works and the work they do in with drug users.

Article describing the reaction to Minneapolis mayoral candidate, R.T. Rybak's campaign headquarters being next to Access Works! The article is framed and signed by R.T. Rybak.

Article detailing an award given to Access Works! by the Social Action Committee.
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