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Group Interview #4_ Sue and Rae DS.pdf
Topics discussed include departing from twelve-step treatment model; individual treatment approach; offering services; treating people with dignity and respect; injection drug use in the Twin Cities in 1990s; the problem changing after white people…

Topics discussed include HIV positive diagnosis; drug use; involvement with Minnesota AIDS Project needle exchange program; service on Minnesota HIV Services Planning Council; meeting Sue Purchase; Morpheus Project; creation of Lee’s Rig Hub; love…

Four Evzio Narcan training and usable injection devices.

T-shirt from Shot in the Dark event in Phoenix, Arizona. Graphic of a bird dazed and lying on it's back. Green background with dark gray lettering.

One t-shirt titled, "Got Naloxone", one black hat with a skull and needle cross bones, one red hat titled, "Got Narcan?", one gray t-shirt titled, "No More Drug War," from

Gray Valhalla Place T-Shirt, High Intensity Outpatient Treatment program brochure, Addiction and Mental Health Services brochure, Narcan kit including two doses of Narcan, two syringes, and UV protected carrying bag.

Copy of 048_0008.jpg
Naloxone training information and distribution form for Valhalla Place Addiction and Mental Health Services.

Information distributed to police officers about carfentanil; its symptoms of use, lethality and proper precautions to take in the field .

Newspaper article describing the deadly effects of carfentanil in Minnesota.
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