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Group Interview #1_DS.pdf
Subjects discussed include copy of The Statesmen artifact for the History Harvest; Oxford House; experience living in Oxford House; opening a new branch of Oxford House; misquotes in The Statesmen newspaper article about Julie and Oxford House; media…

Group Interview #4_ Sue and Rae DS.pdf
Topics discussed include departing from twelve-step treatment model; individual treatment approach; offering services; treating people with dignity and respect; injection drug use in the Twin Cities in 1990s; the problem changing after white people…

Hoffman_Karel DS.pdf
Subjects discussed include working at a methadone clinic in Golden Valley; stigma against methadone clinics; serving around thirty patients at the methadone clinic; providing a clean, friendly environment for clients; being in recovery for five years…

Gray Valhalla Place T-Shirt, High Intensity Outpatient Treatment program brochure, Addiction and Mental Health Services brochure, Narcan kit including two doses of Narcan, two syringes, and UV protected carrying bag.

Educational pamphlet about Pinnacle Treatment Centers' outpatient treatment program for opioid addiction.

Newspaper article from the Statesman Journal describing the work of Julie Hooker in Salem, Oregon.

Copy of 024_0001.jpg
Education and instructions for different types of treatment, interventions, drug use management, and client advocacy.

Copy of 044b_0001.jpg
Magazine edition with illustrations and information about drug treatment.
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